Saturday 4 June 2011

Most Bizzare Urinals

Virgin Mary Urinal

holly marry urinal
I know most of you must be wondering where was that urinals from ?
That bizzare stuff are the urinals at Vatican, you know it seems  like everything in Vatican is holy but I think they’re a little bit “excessive” at this urinal thing.
You know it would be feel like pissing on The Virgin Mary every time you use this urinal and that’s really uncomfortable.
Hmm, in positive side at least with this urinal you can produce sacred water from your own urine as much as you need. (just kidding..hahaha).

Thermochromic Urinal

thermocromic urinal
Nothing is more exciting than making arts with your own pee, just like its name, the wall of this urinal was heat sensitive and will reflected different color depend of your urine temperature. Pretty cool huh ?
Actually, some people said that this urinal its still a concept design and not actually exist. Maybe we still have to wait the progress for the next couple years.

See more about the most things here.


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